Important JobKeeper dates & rates
From 4 January, the Jobkeeper rate will fall to $1,000 per fortnight for those on the tier 1 rate and $650 per fortnight for those on tier 2.
The new rates will apply until the JobKeeper program comes to its scheduled end date of 28 March.
Businesses looking to claim JobKeeper payments for the period running from 4 January to 28 March will need to demonstrate a decline in actual GST turnover for the December 2020 quarter. (Remember, it is very important to keep any
The ATO have provided revised dates that you as an employer need to be aware of:
4 January 2021
- New decline in turnover form available.
- Meet wage condition for JobKeeper fortnight 20 (21 December 2020 to 3 January 2021).
28 January 2021
- Business monthly declaration due for payments made in JobKeeper fortnights 18, 19, and 20. An extension from the usual 14th of each month after the Christmas break.
31 January 2021
- Meet wage condition for JobKeeper fortnights 21 and 22 – make sure to pay your staff at least the minimum depending on what tier they fall into.
28 February 2021
- This is the due date for your December BAS reporting. Note however, you need to have your BAS done in order to determine eligibility for JobKeeper extension past 4 January so best to get onto it now.
Contact our office if you need help with Jobkeeper eligibility or monthly reporting.