Get ready for changes to super guarantee

IncreaseFrom 1 July 2022, two important super guarantee (SG) changes will apply to your business. These are

  • the rate of SG is increasing from 10% to 10.5%
  • the $450 per month eligibility threshold for when SG is paid is being removed.


What this means for you

These changes mean that from 1 July 2022:

  • you’ll need to make SG contributions at the new rate of 10.5%
  • employees can be eligible for SG, regardless of how much they earn. You may have to pay SG for the first time for some or all of your employees.


What you need to do

Check that your software is updated to correctly calculate your employees’ SG entitlement from 1 July 2022.

If you use cloud based accounting software such as Xero, and your superannuation obligations are set as “statutory rate”, then this will be updated for you automatically.


If the removal of the $450 threshold means you’ll be paying SG for one or more employees for the first time, you’ll need to give them a Standard Choice Form

If your employee does not provide you with a choice of super fund, review the Stapled Super Fund information on our website for guidance on what you need to do next.  A stapled super fund is an existing super account linked to an individual employee