Navigating financial metrics: Why the Current Ratio is key for your business

Ever felt like the term “current ratio” sounds like something straight out of a high school mathematics class that you’d rather forget? You’re not alone. But here’s the thing – understanding the current ratio can be a game-changer for managing your business’s financial health. Here’s a simple breakdown. What is the Current Ratio? In the simplest terms, the current ratio measures your business’s ability to pay off its short-term obligations…  Read more

Navigating cash flow challenges

In the world of small businesses, positive cash flow is king. It’s the driving force that keeps your business engine running smoothly, covering all your liabilities. But what happens when outflow exceeds inflow? Cash flow problems ensue, threatening the survival and growth of your business. These cash flow problems can originate from a variety of sources including macroeconomic issues like recessions, natural disasters, and wars, as well as microeconomic issues…  Read more

5 key steps to prepare for the successful sale of your business

If you’re considering selling your business, the process should begin long before you put the ‘For Sale’ sign up. Selling a business is not just a major financial decision but a life-changing one that requires meticulous planning and a strategic approach. In order to get the maximum return on your investment, you need to understand what potential buyers are looking for and make your business as attractive as possible. Step…  Read more

Marketing your business: where to start and how to make it easier

Marketing can feel like a daunting task for small business owners. If you’re new to the game, or maybe you’ve been in business for a while and just haven’t quite cracked the code, navigating the world of marketing can be overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be. Your business deserves to be seen, heard, and thriving – and with the right guidance, you can make marketing work for you. Let’s…  Read more

The leap of hiring your first employee

When starting a business, you often wear all the hats – CEO, salesperson, marketer, and even janitor. But as your business grows, you’ll eventually hit a wall. There’s only so much you can do on your own. That’s when you might need to consider hiring your first employee. Hiring someone brings many benefits. It can double your workforce, free up your time to focus on the business, and introduce new…  Read more

10 concepts every small business owner needs to understand


Even if you have outsourced your financial functions, as a small business owner, it is crucial to have a solid understanding of key financial concepts to work with your advisor and ‘speak their language”. This article outlines several important concepts that every small business owner should be familiar with. Basics of income and expenses As a small business owner, it’s important for you to understand how you generate and spend…  Read more

52 Ways


There are of course lots of ways to learn about business, however none are more life-changing than attending a live event. And when it comes to live events, none are more powerful than 52 Ways. Developed and presented by award-winning entrepreneur and 16 times best-selling author, Dale Beaumont, this one day workshop will totally transform the way you run your business. In just one day you’ll discover 52 different strategies,…  Read more