STP Finalisation


Single Touch Payroll (STP) changes how you report end of financial year (EOFY) information to your employees and the ATO. You must complete a ‘finalisation declaration’ for your employees’ 2020 EOFY payroll information through your STP-enabled payroll software after your last pay run for the financial year. If you have what we call ‘closely held (related) payees’, you may have a later due date for those closely held payees only.…  Read more

Further STP developments


In an indication of the far-reaching changes that Single Touch Payroll (‘STP’) will be bringing, Treasury has recently finished consulting on draft legislation that expands the data that may be collected through STP by the ATO (as announced in the 2019/20 Budget). The legislation, if enacted, will broaden the amounts that employers can voluntarily report under the STP rules, to include employer withholding of child support deductions from salary or…  Read more