FBT Implications of Christmas Parties

christmas Party

It’s that time of the year again! As we approach the end of 2021, many businesses host Christmas parties and give gifts to their employees as appreciation for a year of hard work. However, some business leaders don’t understand the fringe benefits tax (FBT) implications of such.

In order to avoid significant costs to your business, read this article and learn more about your obligations.

What is Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT)?

A fringe benefit is a type of payment that employees receive separate from their salary or wage. Fringe Benefits Tax is paid by employers on certain benefits they provide their employees or other associates. It applies even if the fringe benefit is provided by a third party through an arrangement with the employer.

It is important to note that FBT is separate from income tax and is computed based on the taxable value of the benefit. You can claim an income tax reduction for the cost of providing fringe benefits and for the FBT you pay. Also, you can claim GST credits for items provided as fringe benefits.

How FBT affects Christmas parties

There’s no separate FBT category for Christmas parties. However, to avoid getting into trouble with the ATO, here are some guidelines.

Exempt property benefits

The costs associated with Christmas parties are exempt from FBT if provided on a working day, on your business premises, and consumed by current employees. The property benefit is not available for associates.

Exempt benefits – minor benefits

A Christmas party is considered a minor benefit and exempt if the cost of the party is less than $300 per employee and certain conditions are met. The benefit provided to an associate of your employee may also be a minor benefit and exempt if the cost for each associate is less than $300.

Christmas gifts to employees

A Christmas gift to an employee is considered a minor benefit that is an exempt benefit when the gift is worth less than $300.

FBT Returns Lodgment

If you have a liability, you need to lodge an FBT return during an FBT year (1 April to 31 March). If you are preparing your own FBT return, you can lodge up to 25 June without any penalty. The due date for the payment is 21 May.

With a tax agent, the due date to lodge and pay is 21 May. On the other hand, if you’re registered for FBT but don’t have to lodge a return, you can complete a Fringe Benefits Tax- notice of non-lodgment form.

With a tax agent, the due date to lodge and pay is 21 May. If you’re registered for FBT but don’t need to lodge a return for the year, you can complete a Fringe benefits tax – notice of non-lodgment form.

Need help with your FBT returns? Get in touch with us today to ease your burden and have some peace of mind.