Client of the month – March (Mums4Hire)

We were so excited when Nitha, one of our favourite clients and the one with a successful recruitment business, decided to setup another business purely focusing on amazing mums returning to workforce.

This is what she has to say about her WHY:

“Our goal is to give mums a helping hand back into the workplace through flexible work arrangements with employers who support mums.

Our employers understand how challenging it is for mums to get a fair go and provides a supportive work environment with flexibility.

Being in recruitment for the past six years, I have been exposed to both sides of the coin. Mums struggling to get back into the workplace in a way that suits their work/life balance and employers’ misgivings when looking at hiring mums.

Being mums ourselves, we have experienced the challenges first hand and we are proud to say we are doing our part to help bridge the chasm little by little.”

What’s in it for you as a Mum returning to work force?

Aim of Mums4Hire is to provide opportunities to mums wanting to get back into the workforce. It doesn’t matter how long you have been absent – months or years – there should be an opportunity to continue in the role or career you have placed on hold while raising your children.

  • Skill assessment – A consultant will assess your skills to ensure you are placed in the right categories for your experience and requirements
  • CV assessment – The consultant will look through your CV and provide feedback if changes need to be made to ensure you showcase your skills in an optimal manner
  • Less competition – We access our database first when new roles are presented to us so you know your chances of being found is much better than on a general job board
  • Employer access direct – Our employers have special access to our Mums4Hire CV’s which are pre-assessed. They love the fact that they can search for mums who has the right skills available without having to troll through inappropriate applications on other job boards.
  • Job Alerts – When we receive roles which requires your skills, we will alert you via email and/or contact you direct to discuss the opportunity.

Are you an employer that understands the value of hiring mums back into the workforce?

Accommodating mums with flexible work arrangements provide for loyal, happy, productive employees who have acquired so many new soft skills by parenting.

Including mums into your recruitment strategy ensures your company has access to a broader list of capable, available employees who are suitable to your culture and requirements.

Mums4Hire offer solutions to augment the recruitment capabilities you already have by providing a few different models for you to engage their mums. They offer a partnering model where they share your workload as well as a full recruitment model where they provide you with the whole recruitment lifecycle.

Head to their website to learn more!

Website Mums4Hire:





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