Are you aware that, if your business employs workers in Queensland, it is a legal requirement to insure them against workplace accidents by taking out an accident insurance policy with WorkCover Queensland?
If one of your workers is injured at work, they can apply for workers’ compensation no matter who or what caused their injury. An accident insurance policy is peace of mind because it covers employers in the event that a worker lodges a claim.
Who is classified as a worker?
A worker is a person who works under a contract and, in relation to the work, is an employee for the purpose of assessment for PAYG withholding.
Please note that directors, partners or the sole trader of your own business are not covered by an accident insurance policy and it is not mandatory to have cover for these individuals.
Even if a contractor has an ABN or is responsible for their own tax, if they are working under a ‘contract of service’ as an individual or ‘sole trader’ they may still be considered a worker under the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003.